About us

About the logo

The logo design is inspired by an ancient Greek coin depicting the staff of Tiresias — a mythical figure, granted the gift of foresight by Zeus.

About Oxford Research & Policy

Oxford Research & Policy is a small research and evaluation consultancy, with particular expertise in higher education, diversity and science policy. Oxford Research & Policy was established by Sean McWhinnie at the end of 2009.

Our work covers a range of areas including university finance, careers of researchers, and equality and diversity in universities and research institutes.  Oxford Research & Policy also has specialist knowledge of the Athena SWAN Charter and Awards.

More information about the services we offer is available here.

Oxford Research & Policy works with a number of associates and can pull together teams with the skills and experience needed for the project in hand.

Full details of associates are available here.

Oxford Research & Policy has worked with a range of clients, including learned societies and universities.

For a full list of clients follow this link.

Details of our previous work can be found here.