Physics Data

Physics Staff, Students and Research Income in UK Higher Education Institutions

The Institute of Physics commissioned Oxford Research & Policy to produce a series of reports presenting and analysing data of relevance to physics and higher education:

Academic Physics Staff in UK Higher Education Institutions presents an overview of academic physics staff in UK higher education institutions (HEIs) and a number of selected other cost centres.  An update was published in 2013.

Download the 2013 report here.

Download the 2012 report here

Physics Students in UK Higher Education Institutions presents an overview of the students on first-degree, masters and doctoral programmes in physics and a number of selected other subjects in UK higher education institutions.

Download the report here

Research Income of Physics Cost Centres in UK Higher Education Institutions presents data on the research income of UK Higher Education Institutions’ physics cost centres. An update was published in 2014.

Download the 2014 update here.

Download the 2012 report here

Degree-Course Destinations of Accepted Applicants with Physics and Mathematics A-level or Scottish Higher 2006-11 presents an overview of the course destinations of accepted applicants to higher-education first-degree courses who hold combinations of physics, mathematics and/or further mathematics A-level, or combinations of physics and/or mathematics Scottish Higher.

Download the report here

Accepted Applicants to Degree Courses in UK Higher Education Institutions presents an overview of applicants and accepted applicants to degree courses in UK higher education institutions (HEIs) in physics and a number of other selected other subjects.

Download the report here