Application Reviews

Critical Reviews of Draft Applications

Oxford Research and Policy provides detailed critiques of draft Athena SWAN applications and Action Plans.

Normally clients provide draft applications as Word files for review.  Feedback is provided using track changes and comments directly on the draft documents.  We comment on how the content could be improved, including making suggestions for changes to wording, tables and charts.  We highlight missing information and where appropriate make suggestions for the kind of Actions that we feel should be included.

In addition to the detailed comments we also provide general overarching comments. Most clients also choose to receive verbal feedback via a telephone call and/or teleconference. Some clients ask for subsequent drafts to be reviewed too.

Reviews have been carried out for Institutional Bronze and Silver applications and for Departmental Bronze, Silver or Gold applications.

In the run up to an Athena SWAN application deadline it is best to book a slot for your review. Reviews booked in advanced are normally turned round in one or two days.