Benchmarking Data for Athena SWAN
Oxford Research & Policy holds HESA staff and student data which means that we can provide customised, detailed benchmarking data. Although benchmarking data are available for ECU and through the HEIDI system, a number of clients find that the detail they want is not easily accessible.
Staff Data
Oxford Research & Policy can provide detailed customised staff data by cost centre broken down by grade, gender, nationality, ethnicity and age. As well as overall national data, data can be generated by individual institutions or groups of institutions. You can view an example of staff FTE data here split by institution type (all institutions and Russell Group institutions).
Another example of staff data presented as headcounts is available to view here. In this example data are presented broken down by function (all staff, teaching and research staff, research-only staff, and teaching-only staff).
Staff leavers data are also available. You can view an example here.
Student Data
Oxford Research & Policy can provide detailed customised student data by principle subject broken down by gender, nationality, ethnicity, disability status, and socio economic class. As well as overall national data, data can be generated by individual institutions or groups of institutions. Data can be provided as headcounts and/or FTEs. You can view an example here.
If you want to know more then we would be happy to discuss your needs. So please feel free to contact us.