Coaching and Support for Athena SWAN
Coaching can be provided face-to-face with follow up ongoing support available by telephone and email. Typically clients complete the relevant version of the Good Practice Checklist before face-to-face coaching. Coaching will usually include going through the completed checklist and talking through in detail the good practice highlighted and gaps in practice which require action. A detailed discussion of the application form is also normally held so that clients are clear the sort of detail they need to go into when completing the form. Often meetings will also be held with those responsible for data collection and analysis. Occasionally, clients also ask Oxford Research & Policy to hold discussion session with staff during the visit.
Visits are normally one or two days’ duration.
To follow up face-to-face coaching on going support is available by telephone and/or email.
Alternatively, some clients make use of telephone or email support as they work on developing their Athena SWAN applications.